Friday, November 26, 2010

Interesting Video

Interesting video someone had posted on facebook. I love stuff like this, so I figured I would share.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A line in the sand

I posted the following on my facebook page this morning:

"I am no longer going to apologize for who I am or what I believe. I am not going to water myself down or find some middle ground that I do not agree with to appease people. I don't have to explain myself. If you have a problem with my beliefs or feel the need to debate me, do me and you a giant favor and delete me or I will eventually be deleting you. I am not here to agree with you or be debated."

When I see someone post something I don't agree with I do not feel the need to jump right over to their page and attack it, email them complaining, belittling their post, talk down to them, treat them child like or like they are "silly", try to demean them or demand an explanation as to why they believe it. I just ignore it.... whats it to me what they post? So, if I can do that I expect the same respect. I rather not wake up in the morning having to delete comments, worry if I post something I will have to face some backlash or feel the need to answer emails. Not only does that go for facebook, but for comments here as well. You just will not be approved. I am thinking my future Youtube videos will not even allow commenting.

This has been going on since I spoke up about what Xanax did to my body and life. It reached a tipping point when I started posting anti-TSA posts and my objection to the body scanners and aggressive pat downs where the TSA is putting their hands down peoples pants.

The statement "If you don't like it don't fly!!" is their mantra and other such repeating of things that comes out of the TV mostly. The snarky comments. The attitude that people should just submit and the need to be "safe". Yet, none of those people can tell you how the scanners work, what security theater is, what the 4th Amendment is. Soon the mantra will be "If you don't like it don't take the train, bus, go to the store, go to the concert etc."

Growing up hearing about the NAZI's I often wondered why people didn't say "No" or "This is not acceptable treatment". Later it was well understood by me the camps did not go up overnight. After all the Jewish people (as one friend pointed out to me) only had to wear the yellow star of David at first. So what is their problem? Why protest? After all just wear your stupid star...what is the big deal?

This kind of thing is slowly put in place. After all the United States already did warrantless domestic wiretaps and has secret jails, secret courts and waterboards people...but, hey, it didn't affect anyone you knew right? So it continued. The TSA body scanners are out in the open, so more wake up and say "Hey, no way." granted a smaller amount than the people who like sheep just go along with it saying nothing, trusting, asking nothing, submitting. To them for safety they will fall to the ground for the state. "Anything you want. I just want to be safe!!". Mean while no rational thinking is taking place.

1) The body scanners can not see inside your rectum or vagina. So you can still stuff stuff up there.

2) Plastic explosives were already detectable by having people walk through the chemical detection machine that puffed you with air.

3) Guns and knifes etc. could already be found with the metal detection system.

4) The TSA according to their own studies can barely catch half of the stuff that goes through by their own admission. To date the TSA has never stopped a terrorist.

5) While the radiation level is a small dose the radiation is not dispersed like a normal xray and is focused on the surface of the skin. Several doctors have said by the sheer number of people passing through it raises the risk of skin cancer, also don't forget business men have to travel and can end up passing through the machines several times. Radiation effects are cumulative. There are no studies on this type of focused radiation.

6) Unlike hospital equipment to date these machines are not checked to ensure that the radiation levels remain a constant and are not higher than stated.

7) Up till recently pilots had to pass through the machines. The very people who can just fly the plane into the ground. Why? Because this is not about keeping you safe. This is about training you to submit. To be a good little slave.

That is just some of many things to think about.

However, the population must submit!! How will that be done if too many people get loud? What if too many people say "No."?

1) An airport without a body scanner will have a "terrorist" board a plane and some event will happen. This will scare the masses and people will say "Yes, yes scan us." Most of the things mainstream media shows you and the things you are scared of are nothing, but PsyOp operations. Don't believe me? Well look into it. The flashy headline hits. Fear comes and then weeks, months later a small article about how it never happened or happened a lot differently than was reported is published. Lets take the underwear bomber. The reason we must all be scanned and submit to be "safe". 1) This event did not take place in our country. 2) The man had no passport and 3) He was escorted on the plane by officials reported by multiple passengers. What you heard was "Man boards plane with underwear bomb and we need to tighten security." Why was he escorted on to that plane? More important who escorted him on? Why was he allowed on without a passport?

2) A body scanner will catch a "terrorist" and then they will be quickly rolled out to all airports. All descent will be shouted down by the masses so they can remain "safe".


So back to the NAZIs and the people who did and said nothing. That is what in part prompted me to make my facebook statement. At some point in your life you will have to draw a line in the sand and stand for your convictions and what you know is right. In my mind the people who make fun of the people in this country standing up to say "No. This is not acceptable." "No you will not herd me around I am an American." Are no better than the NAZIs. Would I sit around debating NAZI sympathizers? Would I debate or listen to or put up with a NAZI? No. So why should I now?

No one has ever forced you to read what I write and no one forces you to believe me. You all have free will. I am like the radio. Don't like the song change the channel, but do not expect me to listen to your same boring song over and over. I will not justify myself because I would never justify myself to the NAZIs.

Also don't be surprised next will come the biometric scanning, iris scans, RFID implantable chips. I will also not allow that for myself. I will not as an American accept these measures in a free society. Forget even being American. I will not impose these measures upon myself as a human being.

For those of you who think maybe I have a point, maybe you agree, maybe you aren't sure? Surely it won't spread too far from the airports? I have a video for you.

Remember you are the terrorist.

"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin

Friday, November 5, 2010

Life Update

I haven't updated in awhile. I for some reason haven't been in the mood. I kept telling myself I would get to it or make a video. I really didn't feel like I had anything new to report or say. I starting to feel like even I don't want to here myself complaining anymore or I was waiting for happy stuff to report. I just didn't have anything happy and started getting emails asking if I was OK or asking me to update.

So here is what has been going on:

I still feel like crap only I make myself exercise everyday anyway. My heart still goes flying with little effort. I was going 4 mph (for 30 mins) on the treadmill, but my heart rate was 180 during it. For people who don't know that is not normal and 4 mph is not even jogging. So I backed it off to 3 mph which keeps my heart rate around 160 which isn't that great at all, but hey its lower than 180. A quick search on exercise will reveal that at 3 mph the heart rate should be about 105-120 depending on the persons fitness and level of health.

Anyway, so I do 3 mph for an hour every day, so I end up walking 3 miles total. It is boring as hell even if I am listening to techno/trance remixes on my mp3 player. Then after an hour or so of being done with that I do the arm bike. Its bike pedals, but you spin it with your arms. I spin that thing 3000 times a day. Also boring. It takes about 30 minutes to spin it that many times.

Sometimes my heart skips for a few seconds on the treadmill which concerns me to a point. I might do a stress test. Only problem at this point is what doctor do I even go see after seeing so many and being blown off. The amount of symptoms and doctors I have seen is ridiculous and a twisted part of my mind, even though I know full well its not true thought maybe I am part of some horrible government experiment. Its not like they don't do that to people. Just recently it was told on the news about us infecting people in another country and of course here at home the sterilizations that took place and the people left infected with syphilis. Anyway so like I said I don't really think that just crossed my mind in could it not at this point.

I have been eating 2 lbs of blended fruit a day or 3 quarts of vegetable juice. To try to repair whatever is wrong. Will it work? Who knows, but at least it gives me a feeling of some control.

It is almost 21 months since coming off Xanax so I decided to check my blood sugar again since the first year off it was running high (140-155) often times. Still under diabetes level, but those are not good numbers. Thankfully during retesting on and off I never went above 110. My numbers are now 91-110 which is perfect (fasting number 80).

Standing heart rate is still an issue. Sitting heart rate fine and of course as mentioned above exercising heart rate is terrible. I have been exercising daily since the end of Aug. minus 1 or 2 days off when I needed a break. I am still heat intolerant and severely fatigued. Digestive system is still messed up, but not as bad as it was and seems to be improving.

My mother had a scan last week to check on her cancer and got the results today. The cancer is back in the liver. So after the holidays she goes back for another scan then off to have part of her liver removed. She is only 89 lbs, never really recovered from the chemo which she has been off of for a year and 2 months. She has chronic diarrhea from it. She has to wear a diaper if she goes out or to sleep. She can't gain weight and is even more forgetful than she was. I am more concern about the liver surgery in her weakened state more so than the cancer right now.

I made a video series about an MSG free diet. Some people have emailed me asking if I have started it yet and I haven't. I limited it (but not enough), but that is why I am consuming so many fruits and vegetables now. I am on my way in that direction just been picking ass about it.

I have these days where I feel OK like really OK and then my body crashes and I feel like complete shit. I will be 35 this coming spring and I have felt like shit since the end of being 32 years old. I am tired of it. I feel beat down by it. I have no life at all. Then I perk back up and keep fighting back and have hope again.

I am overdue for my chest x-ray. I have to get one once a year, but its been a little over a year and a half since my last one. I really should do it because it actually hurts to take a deep breath. To clarify it has hurt to take a deep breath or yawn since 2000 when I had the surgery on my right lung, just the past few months they both feel more inflamed than normal..even the left one which is my "good lung". Of course the right one hurts more, but then it always does since 2000.

I keep hoping to turn this corner like one day all the exercise and fruits and vegetables will pay off..maybe I will wake up and everything will be over and in working order. In truth I have lived in this so long I am not completely sure how feeling well would feel or even what I would do. I have become very accustom to fighting and experimenting with myself. To suddenly not have that as a struggle would be weird and yet wonderful. I would go see a 3D movie or something.